Rather perversely, this email can’t be for an existing email account that’s provided by Apple, and it can’t be an address previously used for an Apple ID. The address you use will be the username for your new Apple ID – you will need to enter that address and the password you choose every time you want to log in with your Apple ID. In the box where it currently states: you need to add a valid email address which will be used as your Apple ID – which of course complicates things if you don’t already have an email address. If you need to create an Apple ID for a child we explain how to do that in a separate article, we also discuss it here: How to set up an iPhone or iPad for a child. There is an age limit: children under 13 can’t create an Apple ID (at least not in some regions). Along with name and country you will need to add birthday as this will determine the services available for the account.